Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Proper Flag Folding Technique demonstration

School Board President, Mr. Augustiniak, models Sergeant Major Greene's gear.

"You're a Grand Old Flag" Performance

Our class posing with our special guests (Mr. Augustiniak, Sergeant Major Greene, and Principal Greene).
Today our school celebrated Veterans Day with an assembly given by Sergeant Major Greene. We learned many things:
Veterans Day is when we remember dead or alive soldiers that fought in the war-k.y.
I learned soldiers have alot of gear Y.C
I learned that Veterans Day is always on November 11 M.B
I learned that Veterans Day is when you celebrate the people that are alive that were in the war. C.C.
It was a great experience that you usually don't get to do. W.Ke
I learned that Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day .A.A
I learned that Veterans go in this helicopter called Black Hawk, and the bulletproof vest can break if it fell on the ground. k.c
Today we learned that Veterans Day usted to be called Armistice Day, and we also learned that Veterans Day is always on November 11th. O.A
Today I learned that the army gear is really, really  heavy. -MV
They use to call it Armistice Day-KW
We remember and thank people who were or are in the army. Y.Y.
I learned that Veterans Day is always the 11th of November, and November is the 11th month, but I already knew that. So next year will be 11/11/11, and I learned that over 9 million people died in WWI. -K.S.

Friday, November 5, 2010

End of the Quarter

It's hard to believe, but the first quarter is over.
Academically, we are in the following places:
Reading/Language Arts - Unit 2
Social Studies - Chapter 4
Math - Chapter 4
Spelling - Unit 11
Science - Module 2
Report cards will be distributed next Friday.

Have a great weekend!

Check out the Time for Kids link: