Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot... Hot Chocolate!

We had a wonderful day today! Our class performed in our Polar Express Christmas show - twice!
As if that wasn't enough... then we had our classroom Christmas party. Keep checking back for pictures of today's events... you may even get to see me playing one of the messy party games:)

Tomorrow is a half day. Then we are off for 2 weeks.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Holidays are Coming

We can't believe it is already December. Time sure flies when you are learning - and of course having fun  too:)
Several projects are being completed this month based on the reading/language skills of sequencing and following directions... enjoy

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Proper Flag Folding Technique demonstration

School Board President, Mr. Augustiniak, models Sergeant Major Greene's gear.

"You're a Grand Old Flag" Performance

Our class posing with our special guests (Mr. Augustiniak, Sergeant Major Greene, and Principal Greene).
Today our school celebrated Veterans Day with an assembly given by Sergeant Major Greene. We learned many things:
Veterans Day is when we remember dead or alive soldiers that fought in the war-k.y.
I learned soldiers have alot of gear Y.C
I learned that Veterans Day is always on November 11 M.B
I learned that Veterans Day is when you celebrate the people that are alive that were in the war. C.C.
It was a great experience that you usually don't get to do. W.Ke
I learned that Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day .A.A
I learned that Veterans go in this helicopter called Black Hawk, and the bulletproof vest can break if it fell on the ground. k.c
Today we learned that Veterans Day usted to be called Armistice Day, and we also learned that Veterans Day is always on November 11th. O.A
Today I learned that the army gear is really, really  heavy. -MV
They use to call it Armistice Day-KW
We remember and thank people who were or are in the army. Y.Y.
I learned that Veterans Day is always the 11th of November, and November is the 11th month, but I already knew that. So next year will be 11/11/11, and I learned that over 9 million people died in WWI. -K.S.

Friday, November 5, 2010

End of the Quarter

It's hard to believe, but the first quarter is over.
Academically, we are in the following places:
Reading/Language Arts - Unit 2
Social Studies - Chapter 4
Math - Chapter 4
Spelling - Unit 11
Science - Module 2
Report cards will be distributed next Friday.

Have a great weekend!

Check out the Time for Kids link:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enjoying the outdoors

Our weather has been wonderful! I took the children outside in the fresh air for some quiet reading time.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Message from the Tinley Park Chief of Police

Following is a message that I was asked to pass along:

Tinley Park Police Chief, Michael J. O’Connell, has requested that all schools who serve Tinley Park students alert students, parents, and caregivers to the laws that effect driving while in school zones and construction zones:

Effective January 1, 2010:

·         A person under the age of 19, who holds an instruction permit, or a graduated Driver’s License, may not drive a vehicle on a roadway while using a wireless phone.  This does not apply to persons under the age of 19 years, using a wireless telephone for emergency purposes.

·         A person, regardless of age, may not use a wireless telephone at any time while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway in a School Speed Zone, or on a highway in a Construction Zone or Maintenance Speed Zone.

·         A person may not operate a motor vehicle on a roadway while using an electronic communication device to compose, send, or read an electronic message or “text message”.

The Tinley Park Police Department will be enforcing these new laws in the near future.  The safety and well-being of all our students is of primary importance.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Police Department.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Last week we read the story, Yingtao's New Friend. In the story, the main character was a musician. We discovered that our class has several musicians of our own. Those willing brought in instruments and performed short selections for our class. We were even treated to a collaboration of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Bravo everyone:)

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star..."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Very interesting...

Yesterday we attended an assembly about the 6 Pillars of Character. Our guest speaker was Miss Illinois. Here is a link to an article that appears in today's Southtown:
Miss Illinois to students: Character Counts

She was very interesting to listen to, as she related stories from her own childhood that illustrated the different pillars.

Today, in Reading, we read a story called, Train to Somewhere. This historical fiction described a trip on an Orphan Train. The children were very interested in the information they read. Here is a link for further exploration:
Orphan Train

The children received their Social Studies passwords today. We taped them into the assignment notebooks and we wrote down the web address for the Social Studies series.

Question for a ticket tomorrow:
In your assignment notebook, write the names of the six Pillars of Character.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Great Week!

We had a great week.

Friday Folders went home today. Please go through the papers with your child. Any papers you are not happy with can be redone for a better grade.
Our first math test will be on Tuesday. The children received a review packet today which is due on Mon.

Have a great weekend!
Go Bears!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Math Games

Today we played a subtraction review game in math. Here are some pictures of us playing the game:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today we worked on the rough draft of our "Great Person" essay in the computer lab. Most of the class has the document created. We are going back to lab tomorrow afternoon to edit our work.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Extra Gym Time

As part of our reward system, the students can earn an extra PE activity. Happily, all of the children in our class had enough popcorn to participate:)

Notes from other subjects:

Science - We are beginning our Matter and Energy module. This will continue throughout the 1st quarter. Ask your child to share with you some of the activities and concepts explored in class.

Math - Our 1st chapter deals with geometry. Our current vocabulary includes: points, lines, segments, rays, angles, and vertex.

Reading - We are reading the short novel, Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days. There are several activities being completed in this unit.

Language - Thank you for helping you children with their homework the other night. Our "Great Person" essays are really shaping up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Monday:)

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
Today we visited the Learning Center and played "Who Wants to be a Millionaire."

Library check-out will begin next week.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

1st Full Day

We were in class for the full day today.
We have a schedule for our specials:
PE: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
Music: Monday and Wednesday
Art: Thursday
Library: Tuesday
GATE: Thursday and Friday
We completed several activities today including our Cursive Name Monsters and our "Thumb"body Special creations.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Day of School

Today was our first day of fourth grade.
This is what we thought:
Awesome - K
Fun - K
I'm ready to be a fourth grader. - K
I've had a nice day. - J
Best year ever! - G
Cool - A & C
It was exciting. - E
Great! - R
I think this year is going to be a very good year! - E
"K"ool - B

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Open House

Welcome Back everyone!

I am excited to meet all of you. We are going to have a wonderful year together.

Post a reply telling me about your summer or about something you are looking forward to in fourth grade.